Kotobukiya’s new beautiful girl plastic model “Arcanadia Charmed” is here! A red-winged angel wearing flames

アルカナディア シャルメド ARCANADEA
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A new character, Charmed, will be added to Kotobukiya’s popular plastic model series, Arcadia.

Pre-orders for this product will begin on Wednesday, October 16, 2024. The angel-type Dears is characterized by her red wings and flames.

As the third angel character in the series, she is attracting the anticipation of fans.

Charmed’s design and features

アルカナディア シャルメド

Sharmaed is a new character designed with the concepts of “red” and “leopard.”

An angel-type Dears with crimson wings and fire-element abilities, she is a unique being who combines strength and kindness.

There is a ribbon wrapped around her head that looks like cat ears, making her very cute.

This ribbon is an original idea from necömi-sensei, who was in charge of character design.

Unique moving mechanism and design features

A distinctive feature of Charmed is the asymmetrical design of the thighs, which have different designs on the left and right.

He has a flame wrapped around his left thigh; while this flame serves as a weapon in battle, it also functions as a “flame of compassion” that warmly embraces his allies.

Additionally, the Arcadia series is also equipped with a waist extension mechanism, which greatly improves the mobility of the legs and posing ability.

アルカナディア シャルメド

Relationships with other characters

アルカナディア シャルメド

Sharmaed belongs to the same angelic tribe as existing characters Lumitia and Elmeda.

However, each character’s personality is expressed by their wing design, and Charmed’s red wings symbolize “strength.”

In addition, Charmed’s red-based design goes well with other Kotobukiya products, allowing for a variety of display possibilities.


アルカナディア シャルメド

“Charmed” from Kotobukiya’s new “Arcanadia” series is an attractive product that combines a unique worldview, high-level modeling techniques, and a wide range of motion.

The red wings, fire control ability, and leopard motif design are sure to catch the eye of existing fans as well as new users.

Many plastic model enthusiasts are excited about the start of pre-orders on October 16, 2024.

¥8,730 (2025/01/14 12:31時点 | 楽天市場調べ)
