ROSAN Empire Fighter! | 30MF ROSAN Fighter Review

30MF ローザンファイター 30 MINUTES FANTASY
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The “30MF ROSAN Fighter” from “30 MINUTES FANTASY” is a fighter from the ROSAN Empire. Compared to the previously released “30MF ROSAN Knight”, it has a more massive and powerful appearance and is characterized by its axe weapon. This plastic model comes with a base body, weapons, and equipment, and is recommended for those who are just starting out with “30 MINUTES FANTASY”!

自分だけのファンタジージョブを創り出すことが出来る『30 MINUTES FANTASY』より、「ローザンファイター」が登場!
¥3,960 (2025/02/20 19:19時点 | 楽天市場調べ)


An original plastic model brand from Bandai Spirits Co., Ltd.

It is part of the 30MINUTES brand, which also includes 30MINUTES MISSIONS, which is themed around robots, and 30MINUTES SISTERS, which is themed around beautiful girls. It is set in a fantasy world with a motif of swords and magic, and players can create their own fantasy jobs by equipping their silhouettes with armor and weapons.


What is the 30MF ROSAN Fighter?

The “30MF ROSAN Fighter” was released as a plastic model in the “30 MINUTES FANTASY” series developed by Bandai Spirits. This series is based on the concept of being able to be assembled by the user in a relatively short amount of time and is characterized by the fact that it allows for a wide range of customizations.

What is the ROSAN Empire?

The ROSAN Empire is the name of a country that appears in 30 MINUTES FANTASY.

To explain it simply…
The world of 30 MINUTES FANTASY is called “Duro,” where humans and machine lifeforms (Maximilia) exist. The nation that has chosen to rule over the machine lifeforms (Maximilia) is the “ROSAN Empire.”

30MF ROSAN Fighter price, release date and target age

pricerelease dateAge Recommendation
2,200 yen (including 10% tax)December 2024Age 15 and up
30MF ローザンファイター|バンダイ ホビーサイト (

The price of “30MF ROSAN Fighter” is 2,200 yen (tax included) and is scheduled to be released in December 2024. The target age is 15 years old and above, and the visuals that give a sense of mass and power are attractive. It is a starter set that includes the body, weapons, and equipment.

What is a starter set?

This all-in-one package includes the body, armor, and weapon parts. This package is recommended for those who are just starting to play “30 MINUTES FANTASY”.


The “30MF ROSAN Fighter” is a plastic model included in “30 MINUTES FANTASY” and is a fighter from the ROSAN Empire. It features a massive and powerful visual. It is scheduled to be released in December 2024 and is a starter set that includes the base body, weapons, and equipment. This plastic model is recommended for those who are just starting to play “30 MINUTES FANTASY”!

自分だけのファンタジージョブを創り出すことが出来る『30 MINUTES FANTASY』より、「ローザンファイター」が登場!
¥3,960 (2025/02/20 19:19時点 | 楽天市場調べ)
